How I ruined my toddler’s day today.

I told her that even though it is fun, baby powder is not for playing with. As you can see, she is not impressed I took the rest away from her.


I left the room long enough to get a comb for her hair. This is what I came back to find. Luckily, the friends I was meeting with for a play date today didn’t mind me being late.

So if anyone is feeling generous, I will accept donations of the following: a professional carpet cleaner, a healthy dose of sanity, chocolate in any form, wine in any form, a babysitter.

30 thoughts on “How I ruined my toddler’s day today.

  1. LOL, makes me feel like coughing just to look at her! 😉 I bet it was a lovely smell once you guys could breathe again.

  2. Bahahaha.. that moment when you walk in the room get so mad that you could cry for about 17 seconds.. long enough to say your childs entire name in your most sturn mom voice… then burst into laughter. With that face how could you not bust a gut haha.

    • I wanted to yell, but I luckily had the sense to take a picture instead. Even looking back at the photo in the evening, at the end of the day I was glad I had. Just a little bit of time made me gain some perspective and realize it was hilarious!

  3. Oh my! What a moment! The foot prints where obviously she was standing while exploring the physics of baby powder floating through the air … PRICELESS!! It looks like one of those moments when you want to laugh but can’t because then she’ll redecorate the ENTIRE house…

  4. Believe it or not, I’ve seen worse! When my sister was little, she got a hold of the baby powder and it was all over her room. And her crib. And her. It’s actually one of my fondest memories of her as a baby–probably because I didn’t have to clean it up! Don’t envy you that mess!

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